The Show

“Cheese Theatre” is a weekly movie-hosting show, featuring movies of all genres — Horror/Sci-fi, Action Adventure, War, Comedy, Westerns, Film Noir, Mystery, Sword and Sandal. Like most creature feature shows, we air movies from the Public Domain. However, by airing movies of all genres, we can live by the motto, “no boring movies.”

The show is hosted by William Arney, a veteran spokesman, and includes commentary to accompany the advertising spots. Approximately 25% of the shows feature a guest host (along with Mr. Arney) and/or other special features. The show is like a local version of Turner Classic Movies, with introduction and commentary, but with commercial breaks. Currently, the show is in its third season on community television, airing on Marin TV (Sat. at 10pm) and Pacifica TV (Fri. at 11pm). Clips from the show are available on Youtube.